Aman Mittal

How to make a Twitter Bot with Node.js

Earlier this week, Rising Stack Community published the second of tutorial on Building a Twitter Bot with NodeJS. Some of you may have read the first part here on Medium (published by Hackernoon) while others might have gone through the first part of the guide on RisingStack Community.

Part I: Setup & Getting Ready

The idea of creating a Twitter Bot started in the back of my head as I was learning Nodejs a few months back and wanted to stay updated with happenings in the community. Nodejs community has grown enormously in past year and to keep up with that you need tools or browser tabs to do so.

I built a simple Twitter Bot in Nodejs (which still works, link here)that fetches me tweets using general purpose #hashtags related to technologies such as #Nodejs #AngularJS #Mongodb &c.

In Part 1, I discuss of starting out building a simple Twitter Bot that retweets and favorite tweets based on the query used with setting up this Twitter application and getting access. To persistent communication with Twitter API, I use npm module called twit which has a very good documentation to refer to and offer various methods to communicate to Twitter API.

Courtsey: RisingStack Community| []( Courtsey: RisingStack Community|

Part 2: Advance Usage

The second part of the guide extends the usability of the Twitter bot by making our Bot interact with user (at a very high level) or in Twitter terms, to tweet back to any user who follows the bot. This is done by using Twitter’s Streaming API.

Here is the link to Second Part of Building a Twitter Bot with NodeJS.

I received positive feedback by the people who followed the first part of the guide and that encouraged me to write a second part. I hope you’ll have fun with it, since programming in NodeJS as a platform is really fun from a developer’s point of view, and a very pragmatic approach, I would say.

I am looking forward to grab a glimpse of YOUR Twitter Bot. If you are working on it or have already published it on Twitter, don’t forget to send me a link with Twitter handler of your bot in the comments below or you can add your Twitter Bot to this Nodejs Twitter Bot resource Github repo here.

Originally Published at