Aman Mittal

Hi, I'm Aman. I currently live in New Delhi, India. I'm a fullstack developer, and currently working as Developer Advocate at Draftbit. I've a background in Computer Science and since 2017 I've been working as a professional.

Currently I am enthusiastic about:

  • Node.js,
  • React
  • React Native & Expo
  • DevRel

I love contributing in open-source as much as my knowledge allows me to. Back in 2018 I made my first open-source contribution by writing a Twitter Bot (the original one) in Node.js for freeCodeCamp and #100DaysOfCode campaign which in recent years has gained a lot of attention (100k+ followers) among people who are getting into web development.

Over the years I've made some contributions to some projects and organizations such as Node.js, Gatsbyjs and freeCodeCamp both as a contributor and maintainer. In past, I've been awarded among Top 200 Open Source Contributors by in 2018.

When I am not writing code or working on a blog post, I'm probably spending my time either reading a book or traveling.

Technical Writing

I specifically write on JavaScript frameworks such as Node.js, React, and React Native.

  • Started Writing at Medium in 2017.
  • Reached a milestone of 2 million + views at Medium on July 21, 2020.
  • Written over 150+ blog posts and complete tutorials.
  • Written for 20+ organizational blogs and tech publications. Some of them are listed below:

Work History

  • 🥑 Developer Advocate at Draftbit (2021 - Present)
  • 💻 📝 Contract Developer & Tech Writer (2018- Now)

    • Crowdbotics (Fullstack Consultant & Technical Writer, 2018 - Present)
    • Logrocket (Tech Writer, 2020 - Present)
    • Heartbeat (React Native Technical Writer, 2019 - 2020)
    • Jscrambler (React Native Technical Writer, 2018 - Present)
  • Freelance (Fullstack role, 2017 - 2018)

    • Danco Solutions ( Responsible for building a Fullstack app using Node.js and Reactjs)
    • Zeolearn (Responsible for creating a curriculum for an online course on Node.js)
    • JBL Technologies (Responsible for creating backend APIs using Node.js and JavaScript)
  • Node.js Developer (2016 - 2017)

    • Unique Touch Solutions (Worked on Web based applications with primary focus on Node.js. Fulfilled responsibility of writing reusable, testable and efficient code)